Authentication methods
Jazz supports a variety of authentication methods, which you can use to authenticate users in your app.
Passphrase authentication allows users to create a new account or log in with an existing one by providing a passphrase.
Passphrase authentication is supported out of the box and imported from jazz-react
How to use
Setup up Jazz as described in the setup guide.
Use the
hook to authenticate.
import { usePassphraseAuth } from "jazz-react"; // ... const [passphraseAuth, passphraseState] = usePassphraseAuth({ appName });
Passkey authentication allows users to create a new account or log in with an existing one by providing a passkey.
Passkey authentication is supported out of the box.
We have a minimal example of a passkey authentication setup.
How to use
Setup up Jazz as described in the setup guide.
Use the
hook to authenticate.
import { usePasskeyAuth } from "jazz-react"; // ... const [passkeyAuth, passkeyState] = usePasskeyAuth({ appName });
We have a React package jazz-react-auth-clerk
to add Clerk authentication to your app.
We have a minimal example of a Clerk authentication setup.
How to use
Setup up Jazz as described in the setup guide.
Install Clerk as described in the Clerk docs.
Then add the appropriate package to your project (e.g.
pnpm install jazz-react-auth-clerk
- Provide a Clerk instance to the
import { useClerk, SignInButton } from "@clerk/clerk-react"; import { useJazzClerkAuth } from "jazz-react-auth-clerk"; // ... function JazzAndAuth({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) { const clerk = useClerk(); const [auth, state] = useJazzClerkAuth(clerk); return ( <> {clerk.user && auth ? ( <JazzProvider auth={auth}></JazzProvider> ) : ( <SignInButton /> )} </> ); } createRoot(document.getElementById("root")!).render( <StrictMode> <ClerkProvider publishableKey={PUBLISHABLE_KEY} afterSignOutUrl="/"> <JazzAndAuth> <App /> </JazzAndAuth> </ClerkProvider> </StrictMode>, );