

type ID

type ID<T> = CojsonInternalTypes.RawCoID & IDMarker<T>

IDs are unique identifiers for CoValues.
Can be used with a type argument to refer to a specific
CoValue type.
FileStreams are CoFeeds that contain binary data, collaborative versions of Blobs.
FileStream.loadAsBlob(id, as, options): Promise<Blob | undefined>
id: ID<FileStream>,
as: Account,
options: { allowUnfinished: boolean }
Load a FileStream as a Blob
FileStream.createFromBlob(blob, options): Promise<FileStream>
blob: File | Blob,
options: { owner: Group | Account, onProgress: (progress: number) => void }
Create a FileStream from a Blob or File
import { co, FileStream } from "jazz-tools";

const fileStream = await FileStream.createFromBlob(file, {owner: group})
.id: ID<FileStream>
The ID of this FileStream
.toJSON(): { id: string, _type: "BinaryCoStream", mimeType: string, totalSizeBytes: number, fileName: string, chunks: Uint8Array[], finished: boolean }
Get a JSON representation of the FileStream
Subscription & Loading
FileStream.load<B, Depth>(id, as, depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<B, Depth> | undefined>
B extends FileStream
this: CoValueClass<B>,
id: ID<B>,
as: Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<B>
Load a FileStream
FileStream.subscribe<B, Depth>(id, as, depth, listener): () => void
B extends FileStream
this: CoValueClass<B>,
id: ID<B>,
as: Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<B>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<B, Depth>) => void
Subscribe to a FileStream, when you have an ID but don't have a FileStream instance yet
.subscribe<B, Depth>(depth, listener): () => void
B extends FileStream
this: B,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<B>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<B, Depth>) => void
An instance method to subscribe to an existing FileStream
._owner: Group | Account
⚠️ undocumented
FileStream.fromRaw<V>(raw): V
V extends CoValue
this: CoValueClass<V>,
raw: RawCoValue
⚠️ undocumented
._instanceID: string
⚠️ undocumented
Type Helpers
._type: "BinaryCoStream"
⚠️ undocumented
.castAs<Cl>(cl): InstanceType<Cl>
Cl extends CoValueClass<CoValue> & CoValueFromRaw<CoValue>
cl: Cl
⚠️ undocumented
FileStream.create<S>(options): S
S extends FileStream
this: CoValueClass<S>,
options: { owner: Group | Account }
⚠️ undocumented
.constructor: NO TYPE
⚠️ undocumented
.getChunks(options): BinaryStreamInfo & { chunks: Uint8Array[], finished: boolean } | undefined
options: { allowUnfinished: boolean }
⚠️ undocumented
.isBinaryStreamEnded(): boolean
⚠️ undocumented
.start(options): void
options: BinaryStreamInfo
⚠️ undocumented
.push(data): void
data: Uint8Array
⚠️ undocumented
.end(): void
⚠️ undocumented
.toBlob(options): Blob | undefined
options: { allowUnfinished: boolean }
⚠️ undocumented
.ensureLoaded<B, Depth>(depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<B, Depth> | undefined>
B extends FileStream
this: B,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<B>
⚠️ undocumented
._loadedAs: AnonymousJazzAgent | Account
⚠️ undocumented
CoLists are collaborative versions of plain arrays.
CoList.Of<Item>(item): CoList
item: Item
Declare a CoList by subclassing CoList.Of(...) and passing the item schema using co.
class ColorList extends CoList.Of(
) {}
class AnimalList extends CoList.Of(
) {}
You can access items on a CoList as if they were normal items on a plain array, using [] notation, etc.

CoList is a subclass of Array, you can use all the normal array methods like push, pop, splice, etc.

colorList[3] = "yellow";
colorList.push("Kawazaki Green");
colorList.splice(1, 1);
.id: ID<CoList<Item>>
The ID of this CoList
._refs: { undefined } & { length: number, [iterator]: NO TYPE }
If a CoList's items are a co.ref(...), you can use coList._refs[i] to access
Ref instead of the potentially loaded/null value.

This allows you to always get the ID or load the value manually.
animals._refs[0].id; // => ID<Animal>
// => Animal | null
const animal = await animals._refs[0].load();
CoList.create<L>(items, options): L
L extends CoList<any>
this: CoValueClass<L>,
items: UnCo<L[number]>[],
options: { owner: Group | Account }
Create a new CoList with the given initial values and owner.

The owner (a Group or Account) determines access rights to the CoMap.

The CoList will immediately be persisted and synced to connected peers.
const colours = ColorList.create(
["red", "green", "blue"],
{ owner: me }
const animals = AnimalList.create(
[cat, dog, fish],
{ owner: me }
Subscription & Loading
CoList.load<L, Depth>(id, as, depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<L, Depth> | undefined>
L extends CoList<any>
this: CoValueClass<L>,
id: ID<L>,
as: Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<L>
Load a CoList with a given ID, as a given account.

depth specifies if item CoValue references should be loaded as well before resolving.
DeeplyLoaded return type guarantees that corresponding referenced CoValues are loaded to the specified depth.

You can pass
[] or for shallowly loading only this CoList, or [itemDepth] for recursively loading referenced CoValues.

Check out the
load methods on CoMap/CoList/CoFeed/Group/Account to see which depth structures are valid to nest.
const animalsWithVets =
await ListOfAnimals.load(
[{ vet: {} }]
CoList.subscribe<L, Depth>(id, as, depth, listener): () => void
L extends CoList<any>
this: CoValueClass<L>,
id: ID<L>,
as: Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<L>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<L, Depth>) => void
Load and subscribe to a CoList with a given ID, as a given account.

Automatically also subscribes to updates to all referenced/nested CoValues as soon as they are accessed in the listener.

depth specifies if item CoValue references should be loaded as well before calling listener for the first time.
DeeplyLoaded return type guarantees that corresponding referenced CoValues are loaded to the specified depth.

You can pass
[] or for shallowly loading only this CoList, or [itemDepth] for recursively loading referenced CoValues.

Check out the
load methods on CoMap/CoList/CoFeed/Group/Account to see which depth structures are valid to nest.

Returns an unsubscribe function that you should call when you no longer need updates.

Also see the
useCoState hook to reactively subscribe to a CoValue in a React component.
const unsub = ListOfAnimals.subscribe(
{ vet: {} },
(animalsWithVets) => console.log(animalsWithVets)
.ensureLoaded<L, Depth>(depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<L, Depth> | undefined>
L extends CoList<any>
this: L,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<L>
Given an already loaded CoList, ensure that items are loaded to the specified depth.

Works like
CoList.load(), but you don't need to pass the ID or the account to load as again.
.subscribe<L, Depth>(depth, listener): () => void
L extends CoList<any>
this: L,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<L>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<L, Depth>) => void
Given an already loaded CoList, subscribe to updates to the CoList and ensure that items are loaded to the specified depth.

Works like
CoList.subscribe(), but you don't need to pass the ID or the account to load as again.

Returns an unsubscribe function that you should call when you no longer need updates.
._owner: Group | Account
⚠️ undocumented
Stringifying & Inspection
.toJSON(_key, seenAbove): any[]
_key: string,
seenAbove: ID<CoValue>[]
⚠️ undocumented
.[inspect](): any[]
⚠️ undocumented
CoList.fromRaw<V>(raw): V & CoList<any>
V extends CoList<any>
this: CoValueClass<V> & CoList,
raw: RawCoList<JsonValue, JsonObject | null>
⚠️ undocumented
._raw: RawCoList<JsonValue, JsonObject | null>
⚠️ undocumented
._instanceID: string
⚠️ undocumented
Type Helpers
._type: "CoList"
⚠️ undocumented
.castAs<Cl>(cl): InstanceType<Cl>
Cl extends CoValueClass<CoValue> & CoValueFromRaw<CoValue>
cl: Cl
⚠️ undocumented
CoList[species]: ArrayConstructor
⚠️ undocumented
CoList.isArray(arg): arg is any[]
arg: any
⚠️ undocumented
CoList.from<T>(arrayLike): T[]
arrayLike: ArrayLike<T>
Creates an array from an array-like object.
CoList.from<T, U>(arrayLike, mapfn, thisArg): U[]
arrayLike: ArrayLike<T>,
mapfn: (v: T, k: number) => U,
thisArg: any
Creates an array from an iterable object.
CoList.from<T>(iterable): T[]
iterable: ArrayLike<T> | Iterable<T>
Creates an array from an iterable object.
CoList.from<T, U>(iterable, mapfn, thisArg): U[]
iterable: ArrayLike<T> | Iterable<T>,
mapfn: (v: T, k: number) => U,
thisArg: any
Creates an array from an iterable object.
.constructor: NO TYPE
⚠️ undocumented
._edits: { undefined }
⚠️ undocumented
._loadedAs: AnonymousJazzAgent | Account
⚠️ undocumented
.push(items): number
items: Item[]
⚠️ undocumented
.unshift(items): number
items: Item[]
⚠️ undocumented
.pop(): Item | undefined
⚠️ undocumented
.shift(): Item | undefined
⚠️ undocumented
.splice(start, deleteCount, items): Item[]
start: number,
deleteCount: number,
items: Item[]
⚠️ undocumented
.length: number
Gets or sets the length of the array. This is a number one higher than the highest index in the array.
.toString(): string
Returns a string representation of an array.
.toLocaleString(): string
Returns a string representation of an array. The elements are converted to string using their toLocaleString methods.
.concat(items): Item[]
items: ConcatArray<Item>[]
Combines two or more arrays.
This method returns a new array without modifying any existing arrays.
.concat(items): Item[]
items: ConcatArray<Item> | Item[]
Combines two or more arrays.
This method returns a new array without modifying any existing arrays.
.join(separator): string
separator: string
Adds all the elements of an array into a string, separated by the specified separator string.
.reverse(): Item[]
Reverses the elements in an array in place.
This method mutates the array and returns a reference to the same array.
.slice(start, end): Item[]
start: number,
end: number
Returns a copy of a section of an array.
For both start and end, a negative index can be used to indicate an offset from the end of the array.
For example, -2 refers to the second to last element of the array.
.sort(compareFn): this
compareFn: (a: Item, b: Item) => number
Sorts an array in place.
This method mutates the array and returns a reference to the same array.
.indexOf(searchElement, fromIndex): number
searchElement: Item,
fromIndex: number
Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in an array, or -1 if it is not present.
.lastIndexOf(searchElement, fromIndex): number
searchElement: Item,
fromIndex: number
Returns the index of the last occurrence of a specified value in an array, or -1 if it is not present.
.every<S>(predicate, thisArg): this is S[]
predicate: (value: Item, index: number, array: Item[]) => value is S,
thisArg: any
Determines whether all the members of an array satisfy the specified test.
.every(predicate, thisArg): boolean
predicate: (value: Item, index: number, array: Item[]) => unknown,
thisArg: any
Determines whether all the members of an array satisfy the specified test.
.some(predicate, thisArg): boolean
predicate: (value: Item, index: number, array: Item[]) => unknown,
thisArg: any
Determines whether the specified callback function returns true for any element of an array.
.forEach(callbackfn, thisArg): void
callbackfn: (value: Item, index: number, array: Item[]) => void,
thisArg: any
Performs the specified action for each element in an array.
.map<U>(callbackfn, thisArg): U[]
callbackfn: (value: Item, index: number, array: Item[]) => U,
thisArg: any
Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array, and returns an array that contains the results.
.filter<S>(predicate, thisArg): S[]
predicate: (value: Item, index: number, array: Item[]) => value is S,
thisArg: any
Returns the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a callback function.
.filter(predicate, thisArg): Item[]
predicate: (value: Item, index: number, array: Item[]) => unknown,
thisArg: any
Returns the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a callback function.
.reduce(callbackfn): Item
callbackfn: (previousValue: Item, currentValue: Item, currentIndex: number, array: Item[]) => Item
Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next call to the callback function.
.reduce(callbackfn, initialValue): Item
callbackfn: (previousValue: Item, currentValue: Item, currentIndex: number, array: Item[]) => Item,
initialValue: Item
⚠️ undocumented
.reduce<U>(callbackfn, initialValue): U
callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: Item, currentIndex: number, array: Item[]) => U,
initialValue: U
Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next call to the callback function.
.reduceRight(callbackfn): Item
callbackfn: (previousValue: Item, currentValue: Item, currentIndex: number, array: Item[]) => Item
Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order. The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next call to the callback function.
.reduceRight(callbackfn, initialValue): Item
callbackfn: (previousValue: Item, currentValue: Item, currentIndex: number, array: Item[]) => Item,
initialValue: Item
⚠️ undocumented
.reduceRight<U>(callbackfn, initialValue): U
callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: Item, currentIndex: number, array: Item[]) => U,
initialValue: U
Calls the specified callback function for all the elements in an array, in descending order. The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next call to the callback function.
.find<S>(predicate, thisArg): S | undefined
predicate: (value: Item, index: number, obj: Item[]) => value is S,
thisArg: any
Returns the value of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
.find(predicate, thisArg): Item | undefined
predicate: (value: Item, index: number, obj: Item[]) => unknown,
thisArg: any
⚠️ undocumented
.findIndex(predicate, thisArg): number
predicate: (value: Item, index: number, obj: Item[]) => unknown,
thisArg: any
Returns the index of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and -1
.fill(value, start, end): this
value: Item,
start: number,
end: number
Changes all array elements from start to end index to a static value and returns the modified array
.copyWithin(target, start, end): this
target: number,
start: number,
end: number
Returns the this object after copying a section of the array identified by start and end
to the same array starting at position target
.entries(): IterableIterator<[number, Item]>
Returns an iterable of key, value pairs for every entry in the array
.keys(): IterableIterator<number>
Returns an iterable of keys in the array
.values(): IterableIterator<Item>
Returns an iterable of values in the array
.includes(searchElement, fromIndex): boolean
searchElement: Item,
fromIndex: number
Determines whether an array includes a certain element, returning true or false as appropriate.
.flatMap<U, This>(callback, thisArg): U[]
callback: (this: This, value: Item, index: number, array: Item[]) => TODO type typeOperator | U,
thisArg: This
Calls a defined callback function on each element of an array. Then, flattens the result into
a new array.
This is identical to a map followed by flat with depth 1.
.flat<A, D>(depth): FlatArray<A, D>[]
D extends number
this: A,
depth: D
Returns a new array with all sub-array elements concatenated into it recursively up to the
specified depth.
.at(index): Item | undefined
index: number
Returns the item located at the specified index.
.findLast<S>(predicate, thisArg): S | undefined
predicate: (value: Item, index: number, array: Item[]) => value is S,
thisArg: any
Returns the value of the last element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
.findLast(predicate, thisArg): Item | undefined
predicate: (value: Item, index: number, array: Item[]) => unknown,
thisArg: any
⚠️ undocumented
.findLastIndex(predicate, thisArg): number
predicate: (value: Item, index: number, array: Item[]) => unknown,
thisArg: any
Returns the index of the last element in the array where predicate is true, and -1
.toReversed(): Item[]
Returns a copy of an array with its elements reversed.
.toSorted(compareFn): Item[]
compareFn: (a: Item, b: Item) => number
Returns a copy of an array with its elements sorted.
.toSpliced(start, deleteCount, items): Item[]
start: number,
deleteCount: number,
items: Item[]
Copies an array and removes elements and, if necessary, inserts new elements in their place. Returns the copied array.
.toSpliced(start, deleteCount): Item[]
start: number,
deleteCount: number
Copies an array and removes elements while returning the remaining elements.
.with(index, value): Item[]
index: number,
value: Item
Copies an array, then overwrites the value at the provided index with the
given value. If the index is negative, then it replaces from the end
of the array.
.[iterator](): IterableIterator<Item>
[unscopables]: { length: boolean, toString: NO TYPE, toLocaleString: NO TYPE, pop: NO TYPE, push: NO TYPE, concat: NO TYPE, join: NO TYPE, reverse: NO TYPE, shift: NO TYPE, slice: NO TYPE, sort: NO TYPE, splice: NO TYPE, unshift: NO TYPE, indexOf: NO TYPE, lastIndexOf: NO TYPE, every: NO TYPE, some: NO TYPE, forEach: NO TYPE, map: NO TYPE, filter: NO TYPE, reduce: NO TYPE, reduceRight: NO TYPE, find: NO TYPE, findIndex: NO TYPE, fill: NO TYPE, copyWithin: NO TYPE, entries: NO TYPE, keys: NO TYPE, values: NO TYPE, includes: NO TYPE, flatMap: NO TYPE, flat: NO TYPE, at: NO TYPE, findLast: NO TYPE, findLastIndex: NO TYPE, toReversed: NO TYPE, toSorted: NO TYPE, toSpliced: NO TYPE, with: NO TYPE, [iterator]: NO TYPE, [unscopables]: boolean }
Is an object whose properties have the value 'true'
when they will be absent when used in a 'with' statement.
CoMaps are collaborative versions of plain objects, mapping string-like keys to values.
Declare your own CoMap schemas by subclassing CoMap and assigning field schemas with co.

co.ref(...) fields must be marked with { optional: true }.

import { co, CoMap } from "jazz-tools";

class Person extends CoMap {
name = co.string;
age = co.number;
pet = co.ref(Animal);
car = co.ref(Car, { optional: true });
CoMap.Record<Value>(value): RecordLikeCoMap
value: IfCo<Value, Value>
Declare a Record-like CoMap schema, by extending CoMap.Record(...) and passing the value schema using co. Keys are always string.
import { co, CoMap } from "jazz-tools";

class ColorToFruitMap extends CoMap.Record(
) {}

// assume we have map: ColorToFruitMap
// and strawberry: Fruit
map["red"] = strawberry;
You can access properties you declare on a CoMap (using co) as if they were normal properties on a plain object, using dot notation, Object.keys(), etc.

person.age = 42;
// => ["name", "age", "pet"]
.id: ID<CoMap>
The ID of this CoMap
._refs: {[Key in string]: IfCo<this[Key], RefIfCoValue<this[Key]>>}
If property prop is a co.ref(...), you can use coMaps._refs.prop to access
Ref instead of the potentially loaded/null value.

This allows you to always get the ID or load the value manually.
person._refs.pet.id; // => ID<Animal>
// => Animal | null
const pet = await person._refs.pet.load();
.toJSON(_key, seenAbove): any[]
_key: string,
seenAbove: ID<CoValue>[]
Return a JSON representation of the CoMap
CoMap.create<M>(init, options): M
M extends CoMap
this: CoValueClass<M>,
init: Simplify<CoMapInit<M>>,
options: { owner: Group | Account, unique: JsonValue }
Create a new CoMap with the given initial values and owner.

The owner (a Group or Account) determines access rights to the CoMap.

The CoMap will immediately be persisted and synced to connected peers.
const person = Person.create({
name: "Alice",
age: 42,
pet: cat,
}, { owner: friendGroup });
Subscription & Loading
CoMap.load<M, Depth>(id, as, depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<M, Depth> | undefined>
M extends CoMap
this: CoValueClass<M>,
id: ID<M>,
as: Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<M>
Load a CoMap with a given ID, as a given account.

depth specifies which (if any) fields that reference other CoValues to load as well before resolving.
DeeplyLoaded return type guarantees that corresponding referenced CoValues are loaded to the specified depth.

You can pass
[] or {} for shallowly loading only this CoMap, or { fieldA: depthA, fieldB: depthB } for recursively loading referenced CoValues.

Check out the
load methods on CoMap/CoList/CoFeed/Group/Account to see which depth structures are valid to nest.
const person = await Person.load(
{ pet: {} }
CoMap.subscribe<M, Depth>(id, as, depth, listener): () => void
M extends CoMap
this: CoValueClass<M>,
id: ID<M>,
as: Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<M>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<M, Depth>) => void
Load and subscribe to a CoMap with a given ID, as a given account.

Automatically also subscribes to updates to all referenced/nested CoValues as soon as they are accessed in the listener.

depth specifies which (if any) fields that reference other CoValues to load as well before calling listener for the first time.
DeeplyLoaded return type guarantees that corresponding referenced CoValues are loaded to the specified depth.

You can pass
[] or {} for shallowly loading only this CoMap, or { fieldA: depthA, fieldB: depthB } for recursively loading referenced CoValues.

Check out the
load methods on CoMap/CoList/CoFeed/Group/Account to see which depth structures are valid to nest.

Returns an unsubscribe function that you should call when you no longer need updates.

Also see the
useCoState hook to reactively subscribe to a CoValue in a React component.
const unsub = Person.subscribe(
{ pet: {} },
(person) => console.log(person)
.ensureLoaded<M, Depth>(depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<M, Depth> | undefined>
M extends CoMap
this: M,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<M>
Given an already loaded CoMap, ensure that the specified fields are loaded to the specified depth.

Works like
CoMap.load(), but you don't need to pass the ID or the account to load as again.
.subscribe<M, Depth>(depth, listener): () => void
M extends CoMap
this: M,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<M>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<M, Depth>) => void
Given an already loaded CoMap, subscribe to updates to the CoMap and ensure that the specified fields are loaded to the specified depth.

Works like
CoMap.subscribe(), but you don't need to pass the ID or the account to load as again.

Returns an unsubscribe function that you should call when you no longer need updates.
._edits: {[Key in string]: IfCo<this[Key], LastAndAllCoMapEdits<this[Key]>>}
⚠️ undocumented
._owner: Group | Account
⚠️ undocumented
Stringifying & Inspection
.[inspect](): any[]
⚠️ undocumented
CoMap.fromRaw<V>(raw): V
V extends CoValue
this: CoValueClass<V>,
raw: RawCoValue
⚠️ undocumented
._raw: RawCoMap<{ undefined }, JsonObject | null>
⚠️ undocumented
._instanceID: string
⚠️ undocumented
Type Helpers
._type: "CoMap"
⚠️ undocumented
.castAs<Cl>(cl): InstanceType<Cl>
Cl extends CoValueClass<CoValue> & CoValueFromRaw<CoValue>
cl: Cl
⚠️ undocumented
CoMap.findUnique<M>(unique, ownerID, as): ID<M>
M extends CoMap
this: CoValueClass<M>,
unique: JsonValue,
ownerID: ID<Group> | ID<Account>,
as: AnonymousJazzAgent | Group | Account
⚠️ undocumented
.applyDiff<N>(newValues): CoMap
N extends Partial<CoMapInit<CoMap>>
newValues: N
⚠️ undocumented
._loadedAs: AnonymousJazzAgent | Account
⚠️ undocumented
CoFeeds are collaborative logs of data.
CoFeed.Of<Item>(item): CoFeed
item: IfCo<Item, Item>
Declare a CoFeed by subclassing CoFeed.Of(...) and passing the item schema using a co primitive or a co.ref.
class ColorFeed extends CoFeed.Of(co.string) {}
class AnimalFeed extends CoFeed.Of(co.ref(Animal)) {}
They are similar to CoLists, but with a few key differences:
- They are append-only
- They consist of several internal append-only logs, one per account session (tab, device, app instance, etc.)
- They expose those as a per-account aggregated view (default) or a precise per-session view

.id: ID<CoFeed<Item>>
The ID of this CoFeed
.byMe: CoFeedEntry<Item> | undefined
The current account's view of this CoFeed
.perSession: { undefined }
The per-session view of this CoFeed
.inCurrentSession: CoFeedEntry<Item> | undefined
The current session's view of this CoFeed

This is a shortcut for
this.perSession where the session ID is the current session ID.
.push(items): void
items: Item[]
Push items to this CoFeed

Items are appended to the current session's log. Each session (tab, device, app instance)
maintains its own append-only log, which is then aggregated into the per-account view.
// Adds items to current session's log
feed.push("item1", "item2");

// View items from current session

// View aggregated items from all sessions for current account
CoFeed.create<S>(init, options): S
S extends CoFeed<any>
this: CoValueClass<S>,
init: TODO type conditional,
options: { owner: Group | Account }
Create a new CoFeed
Subscription & Loading
CoFeed.load<S, Depth>(id, as, depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<S, Depth> | undefined>
S extends CoFeed<any>
this: CoValueClass<S>,
id: ID<S>,
as: Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<S>
Load a CoFeed
CoFeed.subscribe<S, Depth>(id, as, depth, listener): () => void
S extends CoFeed<any>
this: CoValueClass<S>,
id: ID<S>,
as: Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<S>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<S, Depth>) => void
Subscribe to a CoFeed, when you have an ID but don't have a CoFeed instance yet
.ensureLoaded<S, Depth>(depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<S, Depth> | undefined>
S extends CoFeed<any>
this: S,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<S>
Ensure a CoFeed is loaded to the specified depth
.subscribe<S, Depth>(depth, listener): () => void
S extends CoFeed<any>
this: S,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<S>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<S, Depth>) => void
An instance method to subscribe to an existing CoFeed

No need to provide an ID or Account since they're already part of the instance.
._owner: Group | Account
⚠️ undocumented
CoFeed.fromRaw<V>(raw): V
V extends CoValue
this: CoValueClass<V>,
raw: RawCoValue
⚠️ undocumented
._raw: RawCoStream<JsonValue, JsonObject | null>
⚠️ undocumented
._instanceID: string
⚠️ undocumented
Type Helpers
._type: "CoStream"
⚠️ undocumented
.castAs<Cl>(cl): InstanceType<Cl>
Cl extends CoValueClass<CoValue> & CoValueFromRaw<CoValue>
cl: Cl
⚠️ undocumented
.constructor: NO TYPE
⚠️ undocumented
.pushItem(item): void
item: Item
⚠️ undocumented
.toJSON(): { id: string, _type: "CoStream", in: { undefined } }
Get a JSON representation of the CoFeed
._loadedAs: AnonymousJazzAgent | Account
⚠️ undocumented
SchemaUnion allows you to create union types of CoValues that can be discriminated at runtime.
Declare your union types by extending SchemaUnion.Of(...) and passing a discriminator function that determines which concrete type to use based on the raw data.

import { SchemaUnion, CoMap } from "jazz-tools";

class BaseWidget extends CoMap {
type = co.string;

class ButtonWidget extends BaseWidget {
type = co.literal("button");
label = co.string;

class SliderWidget extends BaseWidget {
type = co.literal("slider");
min = co.number;
max = co.number;

const WidgetUnion = SchemaUnion.Of<BaseWidget>((raw) => {
switch (raw.get("type")) {
case "button": return ButtonWidget;
case "slider": return SliderWidget;
default: throw new Error("Unknown widget type");
SchemaUnion.Of<V>(discriminator): CoValueClass<V> & SchemaUnion
V extends CoValue
discriminator: (raw: V["_raw"]) => CoValueClass<V> & CoValueFromRaw<V>
Create a new union type from a discriminator function.

The discriminator function receives the raw data and should return the appropriate concrete class to use for that data.

When loading a SchemaUnion, the correct subclass will be instantiated based on the discriminator.
const WidgetUnion = SchemaUnion.Of<BaseWidget>((raw) => {
switch (raw.get("type")) {
case "button": return ButtonWidget;
case "slider": return SliderWidget;
default: throw new Error("Unknown widget type");

const widget = await loadCoValue(WidgetUnion, id, me, {});

// You can narrow the returned instance to a subclass by using `instanceof`
if (widget instanceof ButtonWidget) {
} else if (widget instanceof SliderWidget) {
console.log(widget.min, widget.max);
.id: ID<SchemaUnion>
⚠️ undocumented
._owner: Group | Account
⚠️ undocumented
Stringifying & Inspection
.toJSON(): any[] | string | object
⚠️ undocumented
.[inspect](): any[] | string | object
⚠️ undocumented
._raw: RawCoValue
⚠️ undocumented
._instanceID: string
⚠️ undocumented
Type Helpers
._type: string
⚠️ undocumented
.castAs<Cl>(cl): InstanceType<Cl>
Cl extends CoValueClass<CoValue> & CoValueFromRaw<CoValue>
cl: Cl
⚠️ undocumented
.constructor: NO TYPE
⚠️ undocumented
._loadedAs: AnonymousJazzAgent | Account
⚠️ undocumented

Identity & Permissions

.id: ID<Account>
⚠️ undocumented
Subscription & Loading
Account.load<A, Depth>(id, as, depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<A, Depth> | undefined>
A extends Account
this: CoValueClass<A>,
id: ID<A>,
as: Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<A>
⚠️ undocumented
Account.subscribe<A, Depth>(id, as, depth, listener): () => void
A extends Account
this: CoValueClass<A>,
id: ID<A>,
as: Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<A>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<A, Depth>) => void
⚠️ undocumented
.ensureLoaded<A, Depth>(depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<A, Depth> | undefined>
A extends Account
this: A,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<A>
⚠️ undocumented
.subscribe<A, Depth>(depth, listener): () => void
A extends Account
this: A,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<A>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<A, Depth>) => void
⚠️ undocumented
._owner: Account
⚠️ undocumented
Stringifying & Inspection
.toJSON(): any[] | object
⚠️ undocumented
.[inspect](): any[] | object
⚠️ undocumented
Account.fromRaw<V>(raw): V
V extends CoValue
this: CoValueClass<V>,
raw: RawCoValue
⚠️ undocumented
._raw: RawControlledAccount<AccountMeta> | RawAccount<AccountMeta>
⚠️ undocumented
._instanceID: string
⚠️ undocumented
Type Helpers
._type: "Account"
⚠️ undocumented
.castAs<Cl>(cl): InstanceType<Cl>
Cl extends CoValueClass<CoValue> & CoValueFromRaw<CoValue>
cl: Cl
⚠️ undocumented
Account._schema: any
⚠️ undocumented
Account.create<A>(options): Promise<A>
A extends Account
this: CoValueClass<A> & Account,
options: { creationProps: { name: string }, crypto: CryptoProvider<any>, initialAgentSecret: TODO type templateLiteral, peersToLoadFrom: Peer[] }
⚠️ undocumented
Account.createAs<A>(as, options): Promise<A>
A extends Account
this: CoValueClass<A> & Account,
as: Account,
options: { creationProps: { name: string } }
⚠️ undocumented
Account.fromNode<A>(node): A
A extends Account
this: CoValueClass<A>,
node: LocalNode
⚠️ undocumented
.constructor: NO TYPE
⚠️ undocumented
._schema: { profile: Schema, root: Schema }
⚠️ undocumented
._loadedAs: AnonymousJazzAgent | Account
⚠️ undocumented
.profile: Profile | null
⚠️ undocumented
.root: CoMap | null
⚠️ undocumented
._refs: { profile: Ref<Profile> | undefined, root: Ref<CoMap> | undefined }
⚠️ undocumented
.isMe: boolean
⚠️ undocumented
.sessionID: TODO type templateLiteral | TODO type templateLiteral | undefined
⚠️ undocumented
.myRole(): "admin" | undefined
⚠️ undocumented
.acceptInvite<V>(valueID, inviteSecret, coValueClass): Promise<(TODO type conditional) | undefined>
V extends CoValue
valueID: ID<V>,
inviteSecret: TODO type templateLiteral,
coValueClass: CoValueClass<V>
⚠️ undocumented
.migrate(creationProps): Promise<void> | void
this: Account,
creationProps: { name: string }
⚠️ undocumented
.id: ID<Group>
⚠️ undocumented
Subscription & Loading
Group.load<G, Depth>(id, as, depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<G, Depth> | undefined>
G extends Group
this: CoValueClass<G>,
id: ID<G>,
as: Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<G>
⚠️ undocumented
Group.subscribe<G, Depth>(id, as, depth, listener): () => void
G extends Group
this: CoValueClass<G>,
id: ID<G>,
as: Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<G>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<G, Depth>) => void
⚠️ undocumented
.ensureLoaded<G, Depth>(depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<G, Depth> | undefined>
G extends Group
this: G,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<G>
⚠️ undocumented
.subscribe<G, Depth>(depth, listener): () => void
G extends Group
this: G,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<G>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<G, Depth>) => void
⚠️ undocumented
._owner: Group | Account
⚠️ undocumented
Stringifying & Inspection
.toJSON(): any[] | string | object
⚠️ undocumented
.[inspect](): any[] | string | object
⚠️ undocumented
Group.fromRaw<V>(raw): V
V extends CoValue
this: CoValueClass<V>,
raw: RawCoValue
⚠️ undocumented
._raw: RawGroup<JsonObject | null>
⚠️ undocumented
._instanceID: string
⚠️ undocumented
Type Helpers
._type: "Group"
⚠️ undocumented
.castAs<Cl>(cl): InstanceType<Cl>
Cl extends CoValueClass<CoValue> & CoValueFromRaw<CoValue>
cl: Cl
⚠️ undocumented
Group._schema: any
⚠️ undocumented
Group.create<G>(options): G
G extends Group
this: CoValueClass<G>,
options: { owner: Account }
⚠️ undocumented
.constructor: NO TYPE
⚠️ undocumented
._schema: { profile: Schema, root: Schema, [MembersSym]: RefEncoded<Account> }
⚠️ undocumented
.profile: Profile | null
⚠️ undocumented
.root: CoMap | null
⚠️ undocumented
._refs: { profile: Ref<Profile> | undefined, root: Ref<CoMap> | undefined }
⚠️ undocumented
.myRole(): Role | undefined
⚠️ undocumented
.addMember(member, role): Group
member: Account | "everyone",
role: Role
⚠️ undocumented
.removeMember(member): Group
member: Account | "everyone"
⚠️ undocumented
.members: { id: ID<this[MembersSym]> | "everyone", role: Role | undefined, ref: Ref<NonNullable<this[MembersSym]>> | undefined, account: NO TYPE }[]
⚠️ undocumented
.extend(parent): Group
parent: Group
⚠️ undocumented
[MembersSym]: Account | null
⚠️ undocumented
._loadedAs: AnonymousJazzAgent | Account
⚠️ undocumented
Profile.Record<Value>(value): RecordLikeCoMap
value: IfCo<Value, Value>
Declare a Record-like CoMap schema, by extending CoMap.Record(...) and passing the value schema using co. Keys are always string.
import { co, CoMap } from "jazz-tools";

class ColorToFruitMap extends CoMap.Record(
) {}

// assume we have map: ColorToFruitMap
// and strawberry: Fruit
map["red"] = strawberry;
.id: ID<Profile>
The ID of this CoMap
._refs: {[Key in string]: IfCo<this[Key], RefIfCoValue<this[Key]>>}
If property prop is a co.ref(...), you can use coMaps._refs.prop to access
Ref instead of the potentially loaded/null value.

This allows you to always get the ID or load the value manually.
person._refs.pet.id; // => ID<Animal>
// => Animal | null
const pet = await person._refs.pet.load();
.toJSON(_key, seenAbove): any[]
_key: string,
seenAbove: ID<CoValue>[]
Return a JSON representation of the CoMap
Profile.create<M>(init, options): M
M extends CoMap
this: CoValueClass<M>,
init: Simplify<CoMapInit<M>>,
options: { owner: Group | Account, unique: JsonValue }
Create a new CoMap with the given initial values and owner.

The owner (a Group or Account) determines access rights to the CoMap.

The CoMap will immediately be persisted and synced to connected peers.
const person = Person.create({
name: "Alice",
age: 42,
pet: cat,
}, { owner: friendGroup });
Subscription & Loading
Profile.load<M, Depth>(id, as, depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<M, Depth> | undefined>
M extends CoMap
this: CoValueClass<M>,
id: ID<M>,
as: Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<M>
Load a CoMap with a given ID, as a given account.

depth specifies which (if any) fields that reference other CoValues to load as well before resolving.
DeeplyLoaded return type guarantees that corresponding referenced CoValues are loaded to the specified depth.

You can pass
[] or {} for shallowly loading only this CoMap, or { fieldA: depthA, fieldB: depthB } for recursively loading referenced CoValues.

Check out the
load methods on CoMap/CoList/CoFeed/Group/Account to see which depth structures are valid to nest.
const person = await Person.load(
{ pet: {} }
Profile.subscribe<M, Depth>(id, as, depth, listener): () => void
M extends CoMap
this: CoValueClass<M>,
id: ID<M>,
as: Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<M>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<M, Depth>) => void
Load and subscribe to a CoMap with a given ID, as a given account.

Automatically also subscribes to updates to all referenced/nested CoValues as soon as they are accessed in the listener.

depth specifies which (if any) fields that reference other CoValues to load as well before calling listener for the first time.
DeeplyLoaded return type guarantees that corresponding referenced CoValues are loaded to the specified depth.

You can pass
[] or {} for shallowly loading only this CoMap, or { fieldA: depthA, fieldB: depthB } for recursively loading referenced CoValues.

Check out the
load methods on CoMap/CoList/CoFeed/Group/Account to see which depth structures are valid to nest.

Returns an unsubscribe function that you should call when you no longer need updates.

Also see the
useCoState hook to reactively subscribe to a CoValue in a React component.
const unsub = Person.subscribe(
{ pet: {} },
(person) => console.log(person)
.ensureLoaded<M, Depth>(depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<M, Depth> | undefined>
M extends CoMap
this: M,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<M>
Given an already loaded CoMap, ensure that the specified fields are loaded to the specified depth.

Works like
CoMap.load(), but you don't need to pass the ID or the account to load as again.
.subscribe<M, Depth>(depth, listener): () => void
M extends CoMap
this: M,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<M>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<M, Depth>) => void
Given an already loaded CoMap, subscribe to updates to the CoMap and ensure that the specified fields are loaded to the specified depth.

Works like
CoMap.subscribe(), but you don't need to pass the ID or the account to load as again.

Returns an unsubscribe function that you should call when you no longer need updates.
._edits: {[Key in string]: IfCo<this[Key], LastAndAllCoMapEdits<this[Key]>>}
⚠️ undocumented
._owner: Group | Account
⚠️ undocumented
Stringifying & Inspection
.[inspect](): any[]
⚠️ undocumented
Profile.fromRaw<V>(raw): V
V extends CoValue
this: CoValueClass<V>,
raw: RawCoValue
⚠️ undocumented
._raw: RawCoMap<{ undefined }, JsonObject | null>
⚠️ undocumented
._instanceID: string
⚠️ undocumented
Type Helpers
._type: "CoMap"
⚠️ undocumented
.castAs<Cl>(cl): InstanceType<Cl>
Cl extends CoValueClass<CoValue> & CoValueFromRaw<CoValue>
cl: Cl
⚠️ undocumented
Profile.findUnique<M>(unique, ownerID, as): ID<M>
M extends CoMap
this: CoValueClass<M>,
unique: JsonValue,
ownerID: ID<Group> | ID<Account>,
as: AnonymousJazzAgent | Group | Account
⚠️ undocumented
.name: co<string>
⚠️ undocumented
.applyDiff<N>(newValues): Profile
N extends Partial<CoMapInit<Profile>>
newValues: N
⚠️ undocumented
._loadedAs: AnonymousJazzAgent | Account
⚠️ undocumented
isControlledAccount(account): account is Account & { isMe: true, sessionID: TODO type templateLiteral | TODO type templateLiteral, _raw: RawControlledAccount<AccountMeta> }
account: Account

Schema definition

Encoders reflection

co reflection

type co

type co<T> = T & CoMarker | T

⚠️ undocumented

Abstract interfaces

.id: ID<CoValue>
⚠️ undocumented
._owner: Group | Account
⚠️ undocumented
Stringifying & Inspection
.toJSON(key, seenAbove): any[] | string | object
key: string,
seenAbove: ID<CoValue>[]
⚠️ undocumented
.[inspect](): any
⚠️ undocumented
._raw: RawCoValue
⚠️ undocumented
Type Helpers
._type: string
⚠️ undocumented
Value extends CoValue


ImageDefinition.Record<Value>(value): RecordLikeCoMap
value: IfCo<Value, Value>
Declare a Record-like CoMap schema, by extending CoMap.Record(...) and passing the value schema using co. Keys are always string.
import { co, CoMap } from "jazz-tools";

class ColorToFruitMap extends CoMap.Record(
) {}

// assume we have map: ColorToFruitMap
// and strawberry: Fruit
map["red"] = strawberry;
.id: ID<ImageDefinition>
The ID of this CoMap
._refs: {[Key in string]: IfCo<this[Key], RefIfCoValue<this[Key]>>}
If property prop is a co.ref(...), you can use coMaps._refs.prop to access
Ref instead of the potentially loaded/null value.

This allows you to always get the ID or load the value manually.
person._refs.pet.id; // => ID<Animal>
// => Animal | null
const pet = await person._refs.pet.load();
.toJSON(_key, seenAbove): any[]
_key: string,
seenAbove: ID<CoValue>[]
Return a JSON representation of the CoMap
ImageDefinition.create<M>(init, options): M
M extends CoMap
this: CoValueClass<M>,
init: Simplify<CoMapInit<M>>,
options: { owner: Group | Account, unique: JsonValue }
Create a new CoMap with the given initial values and owner.

The owner (a Group or Account) determines access rights to the CoMap.

The CoMap will immediately be persisted and synced to connected peers.
const person = Person.create({
name: "Alice",
age: 42,
pet: cat,
}, { owner: friendGroup });
Subscription & Loading
ImageDefinition.load<M, Depth>(id, as, depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<M, Depth> | undefined>
M extends CoMap
this: CoValueClass<M>,
id: ID<M>,
as: Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<M>
Load a CoMap with a given ID, as a given account.

depth specifies which (if any) fields that reference other CoValues to load as well before resolving.
DeeplyLoaded return type guarantees that corresponding referenced CoValues are loaded to the specified depth.

You can pass
[] or {} for shallowly loading only this CoMap, or { fieldA: depthA, fieldB: depthB } for recursively loading referenced CoValues.

Check out the
load methods on CoMap/CoList/CoFeed/Group/Account to see which depth structures are valid to nest.
const person = await Person.load(
{ pet: {} }
ImageDefinition.subscribe<M, Depth>(id, as, depth, listener): () => void
M extends CoMap
this: CoValueClass<M>,
id: ID<M>,
as: Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<M>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<M, Depth>) => void
Load and subscribe to a CoMap with a given ID, as a given account.

Automatically also subscribes to updates to all referenced/nested CoValues as soon as they are accessed in the listener.

depth specifies which (if any) fields that reference other CoValues to load as well before calling listener for the first time.
DeeplyLoaded return type guarantees that corresponding referenced CoValues are loaded to the specified depth.

You can pass
[] or {} for shallowly loading only this CoMap, or { fieldA: depthA, fieldB: depthB } for recursively loading referenced CoValues.

Check out the
load methods on CoMap/CoList/CoFeed/Group/Account to see which depth structures are valid to nest.

Returns an unsubscribe function that you should call when you no longer need updates.

Also see the
useCoState hook to reactively subscribe to a CoValue in a React component.
const unsub = Person.subscribe(
{ pet: {} },
(person) => console.log(person)
.ensureLoaded<M, Depth>(depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<M, Depth> | undefined>
M extends CoMap
this: M,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<M>
Given an already loaded CoMap, ensure that the specified fields are loaded to the specified depth.

Works like
CoMap.load(), but you don't need to pass the ID or the account to load as again.
.subscribe<M, Depth>(depth, listener): () => void
M extends CoMap
this: M,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<M>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<M, Depth>) => void
Given an already loaded CoMap, subscribe to updates to the CoMap and ensure that the specified fields are loaded to the specified depth.

Works like
CoMap.subscribe(), but you don't need to pass the ID or the account to load as again.

Returns an unsubscribe function that you should call when you no longer need updates.
._edits: {[Key in string]: IfCo<this[Key], LastAndAllCoMapEdits<this[Key]>>}
⚠️ undocumented
._owner: Group | Account
⚠️ undocumented
Stringifying & Inspection
.[inspect](): any[]
⚠️ undocumented
ImageDefinition.fromRaw<V>(raw): V
V extends CoValue
this: CoValueClass<V>,
raw: RawCoValue
⚠️ undocumented
._raw: RawCoMap<{ undefined }, JsonObject | null>
⚠️ undocumented
._instanceID: string
⚠️ undocumented
Type Helpers
._type: "CoMap"
⚠️ undocumented
.castAs<Cl>(cl): InstanceType<Cl>
Cl extends CoValueClass<CoValue> & CoValueFromRaw<CoValue>
cl: Cl
⚠️ undocumented
ImageDefinition.findUnique<M>(unique, ownerID, as): ID<M>
M extends CoMap
this: CoValueClass<M>,
unique: JsonValue,
ownerID: ID<Group> | ID<Account>,
as: AnonymousJazzAgent | Group | Account
⚠️ undocumented
.originalSize: co<[number, number]>
⚠️ undocumented
.highestResAvailable(options): { res: TODO type templateLiteral, stream: FileStream } | undefined
options: { maxWidth: number }
⚠️ undocumented
[ItemsSym]: co<FileStream | null>
⚠️ undocumented
.applyDiff<N>(newValues): ImageDefinition
N extends Partial<CoMapInit<ImageDefinition>>
newValues: N
⚠️ undocumented
._loadedAs: AnonymousJazzAgent | Account
⚠️ undocumented
.placeholderDataURL: co<string>
⚠️ undocumented


type AgentID

type AgentIDundefined = TODO type templateLiteral

⚠️ undocumented

type CoValueUniqueness

type CoValueUniquenessundefined = { uniqueness: JsonValue, createdAt: null | TODO type templateLiteral }

⚠️ undocumented

type InviteSecret

type InviteSecretundefined = TODO type templateLiteral

⚠️ undocumented

type SessionID

type SessionIDundefined = TODO type templateLiteral

⚠️ undocumented

type SyncMessage

type SyncMessageundefined = DoneMessage | NewContentMessage | KnownStateMessage | LoadMessage

⚠️ undocumented



type AccountClass

type AccountClass<Acc extends Account> = CoValueClass<Acc> & { fromNode: Account["fromNode"] }

⚠️ undocumented

type CoMapInit

type CoMapInit<Map extends object> = {[Key in CoKeys<Map>]: ForceRequiredRef<Map[Key]>} & {[Key in CoKeys<Map>]: ForceRequiredRef<Map[Key]>}

⚠️ undocumented

type DeeplyLoaded

type DeeplyLoaded<V, Depth, DepthLimit extends number, CurrentDepth extends number[]> = TODO type conditional

⚠️ undocumented

type DepthsIn

type DepthsIn<V, DepthLimit extends number, CurrentDepth extends number[]> = never[] | (TODO type conditional)

⚠️ undocumented
createCoValueObservable<V, Depth>(): { getCurrentValue: () => DeeplyLoaded<V, Depth> | undefined, subscribe: (cls: CoValueClass<V>, id: ID<V>, as: AnonymousJazzAgent | Account, depth: Depth & DepthsIn<V>, listener: () => void, onUnavailable: () => void) => () => void }
loadCoValue<V, Depth>(cls, id, as, depth): Promise<DeeplyLoaded<V, Depth> | undefined>
cls: CoValueClass<V>,
id: ID<V>,
as: AnonymousJazzAgent | Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<V>
subscribeToCoValue<V, Depth>(cls, id, as, depth, listener, onUnavailable): () => void
cls: CoValueClass<V>,
id: ID<V>,
as: AnonymousJazzAgent | Account,
depth: Depth & DepthsIn<V>,
listener: (value: DeeplyLoaded<V, Depth>) => void,
onUnavailable: () => void
createAnonymousJazzContext({ peersToLoadFrom, crypto }): Promise<JazzContextWithAgent>
{ peersToLoadFrom: Peer[], crypto: CryptoProvider<any> }
createJazzContext<Acc>(__namedParameters): Promise<JazzContextWithAccount<Acc>>
createJazzContext(__namedParameters): Promise<JazzContextWithAgent>
createJazzContext<Acc>(options): Promise<JazzContext<Acc>>
options: ContextParamsWithAuth<Acc> | BaseContextParams
ephemeralCredentialsAuth(): AuthMethod
fixedCredentialsAuth(credentials): AuthMethod
credentials: { accountID: ID<Account>, secret: TODO type templateLiteral }
randomSessionProvider(accountID, crypto): Promise<{ sessionID: TODO type templateLiteral | TODO type templateLiteral, sessionDone: () => void }>
accountID: ID<Account>,
crypto: CryptoProvider<any>

type AuthResult

type AuthResultundefined = { type: "new", creationProps: { name: string }, saveCredentials: (credentials: Credentials) => Promise<void>, onSuccess: () => void, onError: (error: Error | string) => void, logOut: () => void, initialSecret: AgentSecret } | { type: "existing", credentials: Credentials, onSuccess: () => void, onError: (error: Error | string) => void, logOut: () => void, saveCredentials: (credentials: Credentials) => Promise<void> }

⚠️ undocumented

type Credentials

type Credentialsundefined = { accountID: ID<Account>, secret: AgentSecret }

⚠️ undocumented